What we have been up to lately....
My friend Lisa made this adorable skirt for Chloe. She loves wearing it and I love that it totally matches her personality. Lisa is so creative and I wish I had some of her talent.Reading...
The sun came out for a few days last week. We met up with Makhi and Jamie for a walk to the park and to feed the ducks.
I got a gym membership 2 months ago and I can't describe the difference it has made in all aspects of my life (I usually just workout at home). I feel stronger, more energy, I think clearer, and my face has cleared up (knock on wood). Chloe wakes up pretty early. I feed her and then I head straight to the gym while Dev stays with her before work. I'm already a pretty healthy eater but in my quest to have an even healthier home, I've tried to make sure we eat less processed foods. Trader Joe's is our place! Chloe loves the samples and I love the inspiration I get from all the fresh produce.
Now the rain has come back. Chlo and I still have the need for fresh air so we have been exploring lots of different parks in our area. She loves to chase birds. I can't wait to take her to the zoo when it gets warmer.
She is just precious!!!!!!
love that tutu on chole that lisa made!! had fun walking to the park with you, lets do it again sometime! -Jamie