Tuesday, March 1, 2011

groceries/ ichat

Do you ever struggle with a perfect grocery routine? I found this post by lovely by m  with her little grocery list. I totally love it because it helps you keep on track. You can go to her blog and print it out!

Also Sarah sent me this funny pic of us chatting/having a little meeting. It still amazes me that technology can do so much for us. She is NY and yet I can still work for her while I'm here at BYUI!


  1. Love that grocery list! So clever!

    Would love for you to enter my purse giveaway!

  2. How sweet, thanks for posting about my grocery list! Too bad, after checking and re-checking it, I just barely noticed that I typed Laundry on their twice...argh, it's bound to happen! Hope you have a lot of laundry items to buy lol!
