Friday, September 2, 2011

10 years ago

I remember it was a perfect September day- my first day of Jr. High. A family friend picked me up from school and drove me to the hospital. Nervously, I opened the door to see my mom in the bed with my dad and sister at her side. Dad instructed me to whip out the video camera and Kate the camera. Mom was about to have a baby.

Shortly after, the most beautiful little being lay in my mom's arms. I couldn't believe it, she was my baby sister!

So much love was in the room I could hardly hold back tears, even at 13. The peace and love I felt together was completely overwhelming.

Although my parents are now no longer together, ten years later I still look back at that very moment as one of my fondest memories.

My family.. together... in love with the most beautiful little baby girl we had laid eyes on. 
Happy birthday Emma


  1. She's gorgeous! :)
    I always enjoy your posts!!

    My parents split up when I was younger also. It's fun to remember when they were together.

    happy friday!!

  2. this is precious. happy birthday to your little sister!

  3. Made me cry....Emma said, Thank you and she Loves you!

    Love Mom

  4. that little cute birthday girl has some killer dance moves! :)
