Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas festivites

 We woke up Sunday to TONS of snow, so we went sledding. Notice the black blob in the pic above...thats Addison covered under an umbrella.
A little video for your enjoyment.
Do you find me a bit boyish in this picture too?
 We have been playing with this little guy wayy to much.
 If your wondering if I stole Addison...I didn't. Kels won't let me, so I just take pictures of her instead.
 5 points if you can guess what this ginger bread house is!! We made ginger bread houses last night, I will refrain from showing you mine...I'm not the creative type.
 cutie snow man outside of our apt.
 Dev and I went to the museum. This month they are showing different depictions of nativity scenes from around the world. This was our favorite. It was made out of candy wrappers and made in Africa.
 Me and a tree... Dev was too embarrassed to take a pic at the museum with me.
Are you doing some fun things for the holidays??


  1. ok the sledding is hilarious!!! you two have way to much fun! those babies are so cute! That candy wrapper nativity was allie's favorite too.

  2. Ahh, your snow pictures are making me sooo jealous. (I live in AZ) That is a perfect snowman!!

    Kristine. Or Polly.

  3. Oh my word becca you are so cute! We miss all you guys so much. How are you doing? You leaving Rexburg soon or do you guys still have time there?

  4. The snowman is soo cute! And I wanna see your gingerbread house!! :)

