Sunday, December 26, 2010

christmas events

We hope your Christmas was as enjoyable as ours this year. This was our first Christmas not in Washington in a very long time but we still enjoyed it!

 This was my favorite picture from Christmas this year. My little sister melted my heart when I found this.

We started out Christmas Eve at my Grandparents house for a big family get together of games, food and, fun.
There was almost 30 people there and I love my crazy family.
Grandma made homemade candies that were to die for!
We played this really fun game where my Grandpa read the nativity story and within the story had the names of candies. We had to listen carefully and whenever we heard the name of a candy we had to try to be the first to get it.
We spent Christmas eve night and Christmas morning at my mom's house. One of our favorite gifts was this ice cream maker.
I bet your don't have pajamas with flamingos and trailers on them. SO random.
On Christmas afternoon we drove to Island Park to spend time with my other grandparents and my dad. We went snowmobiling with my grandpa. That guy is a riot.

Emma some how obtained a huge scratch on her face from flying off a sled onto the road the day before. 
Island park is so gorgeous
We got some really great gifts this year and enjoyed making lots of great memories, although we did miss my other sister Kate and Dev's fam back in Seattle.
I'm a little depressed it's all over and that another year is already coming.


  1. That santa letter is too cute for words, as are you and your hubby! Cute blog! xo

  2. that picture of your mom picking over your shoulder is funny!!
