Tuesday, October 19, 2010

questions about me

So I was tagged by Elyse to answer some questions about me...after that I tag others to answer my questions about them.
1. When you were little, what did you always want to be when you "grew up," and how close are you to making sure that happens?
I wanted to be 2 things. 
 I wanted to be a model, making my dad take lots of pictures of me posing.  My sister collected snails while I begged my mom to do my hair and paint my nails. Buttt I most defiantly do not want to be a model anymore.
The second thing I always wanted to be was a news anchor woman. 
 I have lots of tape recordings of me pretending to interview my friends when I was little. I actually anchored the news once for NWCN in Seattle my senior year of high school which is a big accomplishment for me. 
I would say neither of these things are in my future but they say a lot about my personality. 

2. What is your favorite thing about your mom?
Oh my gosh... a lot.
  One of the greatest is courage. She had courage to raise her girls in the church alone, courage to divorce, courage to move away, courage to go back to school, courage to keep her faith.
my mom with my 2 little sisters and Dev

3. In 5 years, where do you see yourself? And do you really think you'll get there?
I'll be 27. Hoping to be living in a suburb of a city with children. I'd like to run some kind of business from home and or teaching a fitness class at a gym. I'll get there because it is something both Dev and I want and I know we can make anything we want happen.
downtown seattle 08
4. When you have free-time (yes, i know, what the heck does that mean?) what do you like to do?
I love to read and journal write. Go to the gym. Watch trashy reality tv shows (I'm not scared to admit), call up friends who live far away, shop, look up interior design or fashion online, and on weekends I love getting lots of friends together to do fun things.
5. Name three adjectives your Husband would use to describe you.
Does it count if I cheated and asked him??
He said beautiful, obnoxious, smiley  
6. What is the strangest thing you've ever done?
I can think of a lot of weird crazy dumb things I have done. The most recent thing I did..and some may say immature..I say hilarious and immature is "poo dollar".  Anyone know what it is??
7. What are you listening to right now?
Boy with a coin by Iron and Wine. One of my favorite songs.
                                       8. Why do you blog?
 I love blogs. I love getting inspiration in various ways wither that be photography, writing, fashion, music, design, spirituality,food, fitness...life. Maybe I'll inspire others too.

I tag   Jayme Caden and Dani
MY questions for you girls tagged:
1. What is your favorite holiday tradition
2. Who is your biggest role model and why?
3.  What is your favorite thing to do with your husband and why?
4. What is one place you want to travel to, when, why?
5. What is your all time favorite band?
6. What is your favorite book?
7. Who is your closest friend and why?
8. What is your favorite trait about yourself?


  1. so fun to read bec! love the pic of you and devin down town seattle and the one from your wedding day.

  2. That was fun to read! I love to read your blog. I love you!

  3. Thanks so much for playing haha! It was so fun to read about you and get to know you better! And I LOVED the pictures in between!

  4. I love your blog! And you should've followed through with the modeling for sure!
