Wednesday, April 14, 2010

fruit and veggies

Do you like fresh fruit and veggies as much as I do??
There is a fabulous program called bountiful basket. Every week you can order fresh fruit and veggies from local farmers. You bring a laundry basket pay a small fee and are LOADED with tons of yummy foods. Such a great program to help farmers and you! Located in Utah, Idaho, and Arizona.  (I know there are similar programs in other states too)
This is my basket almost empty I couldn't take a picture with everything in in because it was overflowing. I got bananas, potatoes, romaine lettuce, apples, mangos, oranges, strawberries, broccoli, artichoke, tomatoes, celery and lots more! Try it sometime!


  1. Thanks for the info! I want to try it soon!

  2. THat's super cool! Alex loves farmer's markets so he'd love this!!!!

  3. oh my gosh. i am so going to do this! thanks for the tip!
